So yeah, that rats nest you see above was the hundred mile route that my husband and I did this last Sunday. I'm so glad that the course was well marked because I don't think I would have been able to read this very well. Other than a few annoyances (weird map, ridiculous amounts of people and icky port-a-pottys) the Horrible Hundred turned out to be an awesome time. It's not often that I get that many hours to myself in a day so I really enjoyed it. Fresh air and TONS of food. I should have made a list of the things I ate because I don't think I will ever consume that much again.

That's just the energy chews, bars, waffles and GUs we had. So, just think, all of that added to whatever we decided to shovel into our mouths at the SAG stops. There you could find PBJs, ham sammies, bagels, muffins, fruit, candies (my favorites were the peanut M&Ms and the pretty chocolates), snack mixes, various crackers and chips. Beverages included Gatorade, H2O and sometimes Coke. There were five SAGs spaced about fifteen to twenty-ish miles apart. We ate a lot and we ate often. Eating and drinking are crucial to keep your energy up during a ride lasting as long as ours did (8 hours). I think we would have finished much earlier if we didn't enjoy our SAG stops so much. Judging by our heart rate monitors we spent close to two hours eating and chatting.

It was pretty much understood that it would be every man/woman for themselves during the tough climbs. You just look where you need to look to stay focused and go up the best you can. My husband and I would usually get separated a little on the hills and then link back up just after we reached the top. Luckily we never got too far from one another the entire ride. It would have made the day a lot less enjoyable if one or both of us were riding alone. So in conclusion, the Horrible Hundred really wasn't that horrible and I would encourage anyone to go out there and give it a go.
Btw, there were a few photographers placed around the course so hopefully the pictures will be posted on the Horrible Hundred website soon. I'll try to get some up if I find them. Until then, I will leave you with a picture of riders climbing Sugarloaf in the 2010 Horrible Hundred. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

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